Episode 37: What is a Recipe? with Laura Carlson

We talk to Laura Carlson from The Feast Podcast about recreating historical recipes, the many meanings of food, and what exactly defines a 'recipe'. This is part of The Recipe Project's Virtual Conversation: What is a Recipe? which started on June 2nd, 2017 and is continuing until July 5th, and you can join in the conversation by leaving a comment here or by checking out the hashtag #recipesconf on Twitter and Instagram.

Show Notes


The Recipe Project: A Virtual Conversation, "What is a Recipe?"

The Feast Podcast

Episode 3: The Medieval Michelin Guide: Finding Food on the Camino de Santiago, 1490

Paul Freedman's Out of the East: Spices and the Medieval Imagination

Pleyn Delit

Richters Herbs

The Classical Cookbook

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